Taxation: Land Tax: Essex St, Shoreditch 1814-27

Date: 1814-27
Place: Shoreditch, Middlesex

St Leonard, Shoreditch, Hackney, 15 Essex St
YearProprietorOccupierRent assessed
1814TyssonWm Gumbleton6s 8d
1815TysonWm Gumbleton7s 6d
1818TysonWm Gumbleton7s 6d
1819TysonWm Gumbleton6s 8d
1820TyssonWm Gumbleton5s 10d
1821TyssonWm Gumbleton5s 10d
1822TyssonWm Gumbleton5s 10d
1823TyssenWm Gumbleton9s 4d
1824TyssonWm Gumbleton9s 4d
1825TyssenWm Gumbleton8s 2d
1826TyssenWm Gumbleton8s 2d
1827TyssenWm Gumbleton7s
Tentatively ascribed to William Gumbleton M0032

London land Tax records (LMA)

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