Land and Property: Marriage settlement of John Rashleigh and Anne Gumbleton

Date: 24 Nov 1795
Place: Ireland

Date of current deed: 24 Nov 1795 Vol Page

GUMBLETON Robert Warren of Glanatore, COR Esq
Groom: RASHLEIGH John of Ballymadee, COR Esq
BOWEN John of Oak Grove, COR Esq
BARRY James of Reel, COR Gent: lands of Glounaclough etc, plus half commonage of Knockragh Mountain, By of Muskerry, COR
O'CALLAGHAN Cornelius: lands at Kilcaskeen, Duhallow, COR, to James Barry for 99 years
BARRY Cornelius James of Uckto'hery, COR eldest son of Thomas Barry & his heir at law of I; grants lands to Robert Warren & Richard Gumbleton
BARRY Thomas of Keel, COR decd; Gent
FITZPATRICK Mathias of Carrighadrohia Steward
WD COOPER William of Coopersville, COR
Robert Warren Gumbleton: surviving trustee in marriage settlement of John Rashleigh & Anne Gumbleton
MS Date registered 18 Feb 1796

Dublin Registry of Deeds
Ref: 494/40/320438
24 Nov 1795

Registry of Deeds Index Project

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